Welcome to the Art Lounge, a weekly online hangout, hosted by illustrator and concept artist Andrew Bosley. That's me! Using the Join.Me network, I will open my studio up to visitors with a live feed of my screen while I work on personal projects and commissions. With voice and chat options, it’s like you’re really here. So come, have a seat on the couch, and hang out a while.
How to participate...
To access my screen during a scheduled join.me session, go to "join.me/bosleyart". Next, to participate in voice chatting, click on the phone icon on the left side of the join.me interface. You'll either need to call the provided conference call number via phone or connect through your computer via the Join.me app (download required). It's pretty simple. The Art Lounge is regularly scheduled for Fridays at 9am PST. If there are changes in the schedule, I'll post it on my facebook page, found here.
What to expect...
The purpose of these hangout sessions is to provide a casual environment where I chat with others about my process and shoot the breeze about art with other like-minded professionals and students. Sometimes, the hangout will be packed with people. Sometimes, there will be just a few of us. Some weeks, there will be special guests attending, sparking conversation and discussion. Other weeks, it will just be me drawing. If you come, please introduce yourself and join in the conversation. I want you to feel comfortable.
Art Lounge Etiquette...
The Art Lounge is a family friendly environment :) No profanity please.
The Art Lounge can only facilitate one conversation at a time. If you have a comment or question and a different discussion is already underway, send me a message and I'll do my best to steer the conversation in your direction.
If you have questions about the art industry or want advice on a topic, ask away. But the Art Lounge is not the place for portfolio reviews.
While I will be sharing my screen and work, these sessions are not meant to be tutorials. Please don't expect to see a start-to-finish demonstration. It's just me working on something fun. Questions about process are, of course, always welcome.
Please be respectful. Of others in the Art Lounge especially.
If you're having trouble with join.me, send me a private message. If I see that enough people are having trouble, I'll stop working and address it.